For Eleonora


Eleonora is a very lovable and interested girl. She is behind in her development and cannot yet stand up or walk by herself and only speaks a few words. Eleonora is so warm and with her sweet nature you can only take her to your heart. We are convinced that Eleonora will be able to make great progress in her development with the dolphin therapy in Coracao. We very much hope that she will gain more and more self-confidence and thus a certain degree of independence.


In the 17th week of pregnancy, Eleonora was diagnosed with a brain malformation called semilobar holoprosencephaly and cerebellum agenesis. We were devastated. One week after her birth, a shunt had to be implanted so that cerebrospinal fluid could drain from her brain. This allowed the water to drain, but there were repeated valve blockages and inflammations. This year she had to have a hip and thigh operation. Eleonora was then in plaster for 7 weeks from the belly button down both legs. After the cast was removed, she had a femur fracture due to remineralization. Back in hospital, back in surgery. After that she was terrified. Eleonora also has severe epilepsy.


DISEASE - Semilobar holoprosencephaly with cerebellum agenesis is very rare and there is no study on this condition as most babies do not survive the pregnancy. The symptoms listed below refer to Eleonora.

-severe brain disorder
-Muscular hypotonia with developmental delay and bowlegged feet
-right convex scoliosis
-Dislocation of the hip joint


Our wish for Eleonora is that she can develop her motor skills. Through the intensive 2-week therapy with dolphins, we hope that she will build up more body tension and be able to use her legs more. She is currently at a stage where she is enthusiastic and shows a lot of interest in learning. We want to take advantage of this state and offer her the best possible therapy options. She also feels comfortable and happy in the water.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!

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Support association for children with rare diseases
Around 350,000 children and young people in Switzerland are affected by a rare disease.

Everyday life for these families is characterized by uncertainty, especially when there is no diagnosis yet. The Support Association for Children with Rare Diseases has been working on behalf of affected children and their families since 2014. We provide direct financial aid (CHF 1.8 million has been paid out so far), create free family events (more than 7,000 family members have taken part since 2014) to support the 670 affected children and their families Participants) to connect the 670 affected families from our KMSK network and anchor the topic of rare diseases in the general public (around 100 independent media reports in print, online, TV and radio in 2021/22). To make this possible in the future, we are dependent on donations, legacies and patronage contributions.

Link KMSK donation flyer